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卓越論壇(第6期)預告|Introduction to Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging and Its Applications to Phase Change Phenomena(Seong Hyuk LEE)
發布時間:2024-01-09        作者:        編輯:賈繼偉       浏覽:

報告題目 Introduction to Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging and Its Applications to Phase Change Phenomena



報告人Seong Hyuk LEE 韓國中央大學教授



Seong Hyuk Lee教授是韓國中央大學教授,韓國中央大學多維電池研究所所長,韓國機械工程師協會熱流體部門副理事長,亞洲液體霧化和噴霧系統國際會議副主席,Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray System KOREA的主編,許多國際期刊的副主編及委員。主持韓國國家能源部基金,韓國國家自然科學基金等科研項目30餘項,獲各種科研獎勵10餘項,在國内外重要期刊上發表學術論文100餘篇。研究領域包含計算流體力學與多物理場模拟蒸發與冷凝傳熱納米尺度能量輸運流動可視化等方面。


The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) imaging technique is well known as a label-free visualization method to characterize the near-field fluidic transport properties within a few nanometers from the surface with the use of excitation of surface plasmons by evanescent waves at the interface between metal and dielectric material. The key idea is that the SPR reflectance changes with the near-field refractive index (RI), depending on the variation of scalar properties, e.g., concentration and temperature, during phase change. In this talk, I will first briefly explain the fundamentals of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), surface plasmon resonance (SPR), and SPR imaging systems. Next, the present talk discusses the applications of SPR imaging to phase change phenomena: in-situ visualization during condensation and frosting processes, vapor accumulation between multiple droplets, and concentration changes during selective evaporation of binary mixture droplets.

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